I have fallen into a strange and personally meaningful reading pattern lately, quite by accident. I started by reading a novel about the Norman invasion of Britain in 1066, and because I like to know why things happen, I took up Richard Tarnas's brilliant 'The Passion of the Western Mind' (which had lain unopened on my shelves for some time) to read about Europe's ancient to Medieval history. I've also been studying about the early Medieval period through the Great Courses.
A few weeks ago, I had been reading (for the second time) the American medium Edgar Cayce's 'Story of the Origin and Destiny of Man.'
In the light of these readings and studies on ancient world history, what once might have seemed far-fetched is beginning to make real sense. I feel that I'm gaining a much clearer and more accurate perspective on western history and its still evolving spiritual direction.
Despite many terrible reverses and losses, it seems that key elements of the spiritual knowledge, beliefs and traditions of different civilizations through time have been carried forth across the ages, and sometimes, revitalised, keeping alive what some have described as a "perennial philosophy", and this core set of spiritual and ethical principles is centred on the love, compassion, universal justice and brotherhood taught by great Masters and spiritual teachers through the ages.
Due to my interest in the spiritism of Allen Kardec, I also recently ordered a copy of Brazilian medium Chico Xavier's, On the Way to the Light, thinking to read about spiritual practice, and was blown away to find myself reading another book about humanity's spiritual history.
Now let me say for the record that I have read other books about our unknown history, and some about humanity's spiritual evolution, but most times, with a degree of skepticism. After all, anyone can claim anything, and physical evidence is notoriously malleable, open to different interpretations. Consider how much disagreement there is about archaeological (ancient artifacts) and palentological (ancient bones) findings until one or another theory becomes (for a while) academic dogma.
Proving where humanity originated and how it existed in ancient prehistory is - so far - impossible. So I read Barbara Hand Clow's book on an ancient global trauma, Erik von Daniken's account of our galactic origins, and other theories of the human experience with many reservations.
Chico Xavier's book, on the other hand, is mighty persuasive, for what it says corresponds in many small details, as well as its overall theory of humanity's stellar origins and spiritual destiny, with the myths and religious esoteric teachings of the great civilizations of ancient India, Persia, Mesopotamia, Egypt, China, and (according to my reading) also of the Bible.
Moreover, the correspondences between the ancient histories of these civilizations and of humanity's spiritual history are too strong, in my opinion, to dismiss as wishful thinking. Besides, I find the book's assurance that we are, at all times, being guided and watched over by much wiser beings than ourselves very comforting.
Like Edgar Cayce's theories on ancient human prehistory and humanity's divine purpose, Xavier's were received through psychic means. Edgar Cayce went into trance to get his information, and his words were faithfully recorded at each session. Chico Xavier transmitted his received messages through automatic writing, many of them coming from a spirit named Emmanuel. The book I am reading was received from Emmanuel by Mr. Xavier in 1938. Cayce was alive and active at that period, and Xavier knew of him, though it does not seem that Cayce knew of the Brazilian medium.
Once, I was extremely suspicious of medium's claims, and especially of what is called channeling. At best, I considered it to be communications from the medium's unconscious mind. At worst, totally fabricated, which I don't think is so difficult to do.
What made me first rethink my position on channeling were the Seth books, channeled (reluctantly at first) by Jane Roberts. They occupy a special place in my library. Then I came across the Cayce books, and after reading hundreds of his trance readings and many books derived from them, I was convinced of his authenticity.
More recently, I happened upon a book by the 19th century founder of the Spiritist 'movement', Allan Kardec. Not himself a medium, but an assiduous scholar of mediumship and spirit communications, he set high and highly ethical standards for these practices, through which he anticipated the flowing of renewed faith, hope and divine teachings into a troubled world.
The Spirits' Book, Kardec states (in his usual rather stiff style), was "written by the order and under the dictation of spirits of high degree, for the purpose of establishing the bases of a rational philosophy, free from the influence of prejudices and of preconceived notions. It contains nothing that is not the expression of their thought; nothing that has not been submitted to their approbation ..... "
"In the book you are to write," these spirits have told him, "we shall lay the foundation for the new edifice which is destined to unite all men in a common sentiment of love and charity."
I suspect that the time for humanity to know its true history approaches, which may account for the plethora of websites, blogs and books to be found on that topic, some worth reading, other just plain fanciful. Because I feel that such knowledge might help us recognise the stupidity of our racial, ethnic and religious antagonisms, and of our dangerous, destructive political and economic injustices, and help motivate us to seek new, just compassionate roads, I will write more about these channeled messages and their implications in future posts.
This is not a casual undertaking, for I am quite aware that my frequent references to a divine plan and divine agency could be taken as the spoutings of a fundamentalist religious zealot. They are not. I am not.
Spirits are real, and the Spiritual realm is real, just as real as the text that you are reading right now. Every day now, we hear of people receiving communications from discarnate spirits, or people returning from near death experiences and spirit encounters with messages of hope and divine love. And there are groups across the globe actively engaged in spirit communication through modern technology.
See 'Calling Earth' video: https://vimeo.com/101171248
Let me start with the first paragraphs from the Spirit Emmanuel's channeled book.
"The traditions of the spirit world say that, in the governance of all the phenomena of our system, there is a Community of Pure spirits, chosen by the Supreme Lord of the Universe, whose hands hold the guiding reins of the live of all planetary collectives.
"From what we have been told, this Community - made up of perfected, angelic beings, of which Jesus is one of the divine members - has met in the vicinity of the earth only twice in the course of the known millennia to decide urgent issues pertaining to the organization and direction of our planet ...."
Kardec, Allan. 2012. The Spirits' Book. Spastic Cat Press, U.S. Pg. 35
Xavier, Francisco by the Spirit Emmanuel (1939, 2011). On the Way to the Light: a History of Civilization in the Light of Spiritism. Federacao Esperita Brasileira, Brazil. Pg. 19.