It has become fashionable to talk about spirituality as something that comes upon us with minimal effort on our part. It has become fashionable to consider ourselves spiritual because we meditate, or go to ashrams in India, or light candles or live more environmentally conscious lives. All good things to do, for sure, and they can certainly be part of a truly spiritual life. But they do not make you into a spiritual person, not by a long shot.
Spirituality is a state of consciousness - an inner state of lovingness, compassion, self-awareness, self-acceptance, forgivenness, patience, connection with something greater than ourselves that I call God - and being spiritual means actively and intentionally striving towards that state so that we can make it our usual, our normal state of consciousness.
Being a spiritual person, one who naturally and easily expresses his or her spiritual being in the midst of everyday life, can take a long time, our whole lives even, and we might - no, we will slack off now and then, lose sight of our goal, lose heart because we are human. Even the most spiritual human being can lose heart or get tired of following that path.
That's what spiritual practice is for, why it's important to be connected with a spiritual teacher or tradition, not only to help us get to that spiritual path and walk on it, but to help keep us there when we don't feel up to it on our own. That is all part of the spiritual life.
Even when we lose our way and fall back into a totally un-spiritual way of being, we can still pick ourselves up and get back on the path. Falling back can be a good thing sometimes, a wakeup call that we need to pay attention, keep our eyes on the goal and not take our progress for granted. Falling back and losing our way can be very humbling - and that is a good thing.
You see, spirituality is a commitment, a persistent effort to be transformed - to consciously and intentionally transform our way of thinking, our way of seeing the world, our attitudes to others, how we treat others into a way of being that is both human and spiritual, the very best of our humanness.
It's not good enough to just hang out with 'spiritual' friends or go to 'spiritual' retreats. The test of a spiritual life is what is happening inside of you. Are you being transformed from a self-centred, self-interested, ego-driven person into a kinder, more selfless, giving, forgiving, patient, compassionate person? Does your behaviour in the world reflect that? Are you looking deeper into yourself to find and weed out all those habits you've developed over your lifetime that keep you from recognising the holy light within you and making it shine?
The way of Spirit can be a hard way, because it requires that we dig through all the mud that is inside of us to find and bring forth our inner divinity, our spiritual nature.
And that takes a lot of digging, a lot of humility as we find how much mud there really is - all that resentment, that anger, those unkindnesses, fears, selfish actions, all that pride, that desire to be special, to be admired. An awful lot of mud.
But it is also a joyous way, for in that mud, in that toxic sludge lies the seed of the beautiful lotus flower, and as you dig and clean away the toxic stuff, that seed is putting forth roots and stem. One day, that stem will rise high above the mud with its precious bud, the self-realising You, and that bud will open to reveal its unique, pure beauty and radiance - You - to the world.
Don't think you have to be a Lakshmi, a Jesus or Buddha to flower like that, that you have to be something special. No matter what your state of consciousness now, You can be, you have within you the divine potential to be that beauty, that radiance, a blessing to yourself and others.
One who performs his duty without attachment, surrendering the results unto the Supreme Lord, is unaffected by sinful action, as the lotus is untouched by water.
Baghavad Gita
If you want to live as a spiritual being, prepared to be humbled, to have your illusions about yourself shattered, and your self-importance deflated. For humility melts away your inner resistance to God.
We all know that humility is not much appreciated in our society. It's seen as weakness, being a shrinking violet, not something that will get us recognised, get us ahead. Yet humility is truly the foundation of spiritual awakening, and along with love, the rock-solid foundation of a spiritual life. Without humility, we cannot open ourselves as fully to God consciousness, to the Christ or the Buddha or any other Teacher or Master as we must before we can be lifted up to a whole new level of consciousness.
How easy it is to get stuck in pride! We all want to feel special, every one of us. That's why every spiritual tradition teaches the necessity of eliminating Pride, Vanity, and of learning to be humble. That's why every spiritual tradition worthy of the name offers to genuine seekers the guidance and support of a teacher, a priest, a minister, monk or mullah, and why the teachers themselves have spiritual mentors, more experienced, wiser individuals who, among other things, help to keep the teacher's pride in check. That's why even the wisest, most spiritual of them turn humbly to God or whatever Higher Being they revere for solace, comfort and guidance. Gandhi did. The Dalai Lama does. The Pope does. Socrates did. So did Yeshua, the Christed One.
As one of my teachers often says, 'You cannot do it alone!'
If you are serious about following the spiritual path, you will have to get dirty, get into the dark, deep places of yourself.
For it is in those dark places that you can find and pull out all that is choking the seed of your higher self, holding it fast in the mud and not letting it rise. That takes humility, the humility, first, to accept that that sludge is inside of you, then the humility to find it and weed it, to clear away the mud that suffocates.
Then, that seed of your sincere desire for God, your yearning to be your True Self in the world, that seed that was being suffocated can now take root in the rich soil. But if you have not gone into that mud, cleared away that choking tangle, and planted that seed, you can be sure that your flower, your spiritual potential will not be able to rise and blossom. So do it.
Do the work and trust that eventually, you will feel your spirit emerging into the light. You will find yourself in Love - loving yourself as you are, loving others more and more, even those who have hurt you. When Love becomes your very sun, constantly sustaining you and shedding light on your every day decisions and choices, you can be sure that your true spiritual nature is blooming like mad in the world. Your task thereafter is to keep it blooming, clearing the way for seed after seed, flower after flower.