Towards the end of 2017, I received from Spirit two significant messages. From their immediate impact on me and the strength of my reactions each time these messages come to mind - as they often do - I know that are important not only for me but for all of us. So I share them with you.
'Take it seriously.'
Take every aspect of your life seriously. Your creative life, spiritual life, inner experiences, outer experience, health, relationships, life.
'Everything matters.'
Every experience matters. Each moment, every decision, every interaction, every event.
Your purpose in life is to be and live as your fullest possible self.
Take time to determine what you want to do, establish clear priorities, and fearlessly, unflinchingly, act on them. Waste no energy in self-doubt or timidity. Waste no time or energy doing things that you do not care about, that do not really matter to you, that do not move you in your chosen direction.
For sure, there are times to surrender to the flow of the moment, to accept your circumstances and put your own desires aside. There are times to rest and give your body and mind time to be refreshed and renewed. But when your soul is restless and urges you to do something for heaven's sake, try to do something that moves you into deeper alignment with your essential Being. Follow your heart; it will tell you what your spirit wants to do.