Pistis Sophia by Talon Abraxas
I have recently discovered that a mythic personality is working in me, through me. She is not a goddess, as Athena is; she is not classified as a goddess except in some Gnostic myths, though she can be partly recognised in mythic characters such as Isis and Innana, but she is Sophia, meaning wisdom.
May I emphasise with Gnostic scholar, Stephan Hoeller, that Sophia is a very specific character with specific qualities and mythology, not to be mixed up with other feminine or earth goddesses (in lecture series, The Wisdom of the Gnostics).
In the Gnostic text, Pistis Sophia, she sees the higher light, and seeks to achieve it, but being misled by the Self-Willed one, the demiurge, she is lured to a lower level, to the depths of chaos, where she is afflicted by forces who hate her for seeking to attain the higher level of light. In her suffering, she calls out to the light in which she has faith, and passes through twelve hymns or repentances.
"For they have taken my light from me, and my power hath begun to cease in me and I am destitute of my light."
Eventually, she is rescued and returns to her proper place as twin to Jesus, who is called the First Mystery, for he is indeed a mystery beyond the understanding of humankind in these times.
However, due to her suffering and her redemption because of her faith in the light, Sophia creates and maintains a deep abiding connection with the lower levels, with the world of matter and the human race.
"She never really completely leaves us"..."She becomes the mother of the world ... because this world has in a sense come forth from her power ... She is a sort of salvivic being" (Stephen Hoeller).
In Aurora Consergens, a medieval text discussed by Marie-Louise von Franz in vol. 7 of her collected works, Sophia is the earthly counterpart of God, who manifests in her own existence the divination or sacrilization, you might say, of the body, of nature, of matter. That is, she represents the divine realising itself through flesh, through matter, the serpent rising.
In Gnostic texts, Sophia falls through her own weakness into the shadows of the world; in Aurora Consergens, though, she is more like embodied Spirit working through flesh, through matter, to bring its inherent divinity to the light. At one point of her redemption, she says yes to being raised to the Higher Light, but instructs, ‘do not remove my dirt,’ for she understands that the divine is also in the dirt, in matter, in the body and its desires and instincts, that there is no aspect of being in which the divine is not.
As I have said before, I have in the past year been taken, possessed, one might say, by Eros whose powerful energy has pushed me out of my tight resistances to feeling and close connection into an overwhelming emotionality and desire for love - not just love for one particular person but the most intense love for all life, for humankind, for nature, for my own soul. Overpowering, and somehow not grounded; so I had been feeling like a herd of wild horses running amuck. But I had a dream in which an older shaggy-haired female creature (I was an animal as well) was practically force-feeding me soup from a very roughly hewn bowl with a rough spoon. We were in the undergrowth of a forest. I took that as a message to connect more deeply with nature, with my natural instincts.
Something someone said to me, though, make me realise that I was also being told to connect with my femininity, and to do it consciously, earnestly through deeper connection with, and grounding in my body, in its animal instincts, its sensuality and Eros energy. And I recognised in that Sophia, not the pure chaste woman at the side of the Christ as depicted in the icons of Orthodox Christianity, but the Sophia of body, flesh, mud, grime, of sensation, of the instinctual, who raises God from the very cells and tissues of my body, from the ground beneath my feet and lifts it to where the divine in me can shine.
So. As Woman, I know what I am. I am free. and I finally know why that inner voice told me not too long ago that Everything Matters. Yes. It does. Matter contains everything, from the lowest to the most numinous. Matter matters.